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Yoga for Weight Loss
and Hormonal Imbalance
May 27, 2021
The prevalence of obesity worldwide is rising, especially in developing countries and newly industrialized countries and hormonal imbalances is one of the predominant causes of it.
The point prevalence is higher in women (15%) than in men (11%). Especially abdominal obesity—an unfavorable accumulation of fat around the stomach, which is not limited to overweight persons—has been identified as an important risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. Since, in addition to inadequate eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of obesity, regular physical activity is recommended in the medical guidelines as the most important therapeutic option in non-morbid obesity. However, the fact that a substantial proportion of obese persons does not adhere to such recommendations provides a legitimate reason for studying alternative forms of physical activity to reduce weight.
Yoga is one such alternative form of physical activity that is used increasingly for the purpose of health promotion. In North America and Europe, yoga comprises mainly body postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana). Yoga is also gaining increasing popularity as a therapeutic measure. Some 80% of persons practicing yoga in the US (more than 16 million people) reported that they had taken up the practice with the explicit goal of improving their health. In this setting, the hope to lose weight was one of the most important reasons for taking up yoga.

Recent studies (Cramer H, Thoms MS, Anheyer D, Lauche R, Dobos G: Yoga in women with abdominal obesity—a randomized controlled trial.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2016; 113: 645–52. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2016.0645) confirm that an intensive yoga intervention lasting 12 weeks including women with abdominal obesity reduced participants’ waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, body weight, BMI, and percentage of body fat and increased the percentage of muscle mass.
Yoga improved participants’ mental and physical wellbeing and self esteem, and reduced their perceived stress. As the intervention constitutes a safe and effective intervention in this population the studies confirm that yoga is highly recommended to women in order to reduce obesity.
Yoga for Weight Loss / Hormonal Imbalance Focused in Small Group Classes is offered every Thursday at:
- 15 PM CEST Central European Standard Time
- 14 PM BST British Summer Time
- 17 PM GST Gulf Standard Time
- 18.30 PM IST India Standard Time
- 9 PM HKT Hong Kong Time
- 6 AM PDT Pacific Daylight Time
- 9 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Please note that we keep our group class small therefore we would suggest to book your presence in time as places are limited.
To confirm your presence please send us a message via email or contact form below.
Thank you and see you very soon on Zoom!